4 Ways to De-Stress this Holiday Season

The holidays are meant to be a time of wonder, excitement, and joy, but because of the busy nature of the season, complicated family relationships, and the expectations placed on us by ourselves and others anxiety, stress, and frustration are also common.

We understand the pressures that come with the holidays and want to assure you, you are not alone in the stress of the season. We also want to assure you that there are practical ways to avoid burnout and truly enjoy the holiday season this year.

As the year winds to a close and picks up the pace, check out these four helpful tips for de-stressing during the hustle of the holidays. 

Read our tips below on how to create a less stressful holiday environment.

1. Set Clear Expectations

Someone once told me, “People are not mind readers.” and it is the best advice I have ever received. Most of the time, our family members and friends do not know what we expect of them, especially during the holiday season.

Get ahead of hurt feelings or potential disappointment by having an honest conversation with those whom you plan to celebrate.

What do we want Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc. to look like this year?

What is important to us?

What can we skip out on?

What can I bring to the table and what do I need you to do?

How much will we spend on gifts?

While having a discussion about holiday expectations will not ensure that the season will go without miscommunication, it can be the start of prioritizing the things that matter most. Don’t leave it up in the air who will help with what, and be sure to emphasize the experience over perfection.

Be sure to emphasize experience over perfection.

2. Prioritize Practicing Self-Care

The last couple months of the year may have us procrastinating healthy habits until the New Year, but it’s important to still try to engage in self-care in the present.

Self-care normally conjures up images of detoxing facials and luxurious bubble baths, but self-care is actually anything you do to invest in yourself.

During the busy holidays that may look like…

Prioritizing your sleep, eating a nourishing breakfast, or still moving your body amidst all the events.

Continuing to see your therapist and get the support you need is an important way to show yourself care. Self-care may also look like skipping out on a party this year because your social battery is drained or like taking 10 minutes to practice deep breathing.

These small acts of rest and reflection can help us manage stress and remain in the moments that matter.

3. Know Your Limits and When to Pull Back

Before things get too crazy take a moment to identify what things that cause you the most stress.

What does it look like when I am overwhelmed?

Do I get irritable more easily, or feel a weight in my chest?

What thoughts or emotions are warning signs that I am reaching my limits?

Then, make a plan for if or when you reach this point of stress. With children, family obligations, and pressure from society, it can be extremely difficult to know what you can let go of.

Remember, that experiences are more valuable than perfection so it is okay to serve a store-bought dessert over making an elaborate sweet. Sometimes knowing your limits means canceling your plans to attend a holiday party, even though it may hurt some feelings.

Pulling back looks different for everyone. Just know that you have permission to advocate for yourself and change the schedule as you need.

4. Everybody has a different experience and that is okay

The holiday season will look different for each person celebrating. Some may embrace the festivities, and for others, this time may remind them of someone they have lost. Friends may be celebrating a completely different holiday than you and others may feel that they are just surviving until January.

Whatever the situation, it is important to hold space for our unique experiences and acknowledge the experiences of others.

Back-to-back holidays are a lot, so give grace and flexibility to those in need. Allow yourself and those around you to celebrate, grieve, feel anger, or a lack of holiday spirit. Keep in mind that whatever festivities you celebrate, everyone will approach the holidays differently

Your holidays can be peaceful with the right balance of boundaries.

I encourage you to use any and all of these tips to help prevent stress, recharge, and find more joy in the days ahead.

It is our joy at Simplify Life to teach you practical ways to find stillness in chaos and make the most of every moment. Follow us on Instagram at Simplify Life for more practical ways to de-stress your holiday season.

Meet the Author - Elizabeth Preston

I’m Elizabeth, and I love to come alongside adolescents and adults and foster a safe space to explore, manage, and face the daily stressors and long-term challenges of life with curiosity, gentleness, and flexibility.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of parent coaching and if it may be right for you.

Elizabeth Preston, MA.
Professional Counselor


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